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Can my IFR crosscountry flight alone be counted towards 66HIT ?

Asked by: 2752 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating

So, let us say that I am on a IFR cross country flight by myself(alone in the plane) and wx at airport is so bad that I want to hold until weather improves.

Does this count towards my 66HIT currency ?

And if, the flight was made in VMC condition, is it considered as simulated instrument or actual instrument?

Can it still be counted towards the 66HIT currency even in VMC condition on IFR flight?



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2 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on May 22, 2016

    2 questions right back at you:

    1. What does the regulation say? Not what you suppose or think or believe it says. What do the words on the page say?

    2. the flight was made in VMC condition, is it considered as simulated instrument or actual instrument? The question is a surprise. Are you working on your instrument rating or are you already instrument rated or just asking for the heck of it?

    I ask because understanding what “actual instrument conditions” (conditions that prevent you from being able to keep the shiny side up without the instruments) and “simulated conditions using a view-limiting device” (and the requirement for a safety pilot) are, are so basic to instrument currency and logging instrument anything.

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  2. Best Answer

    John D Collins on May 22, 2016

    You are by yourself, so in 61.57(c) the wording is “in actual weather conditions, or under simulated conditions using a view-limiting device” limits you to being in actual weather conditions. This term is not defined, but it is generally used to indicate that it is not possible to control the aircraft solely by visual means (a discernible horizon) and that control of the aircraft must be maintained by use of the flight instruments. So, if your hold is conducted inside a cloud, it would qualify, so would night time where the horizon can’t be determined visually for example under a high overcast, no moon light, and over a sparsely populated area without ground lights for example over mountains, desert, or ocean. If you are in actual weather conditions, the answer is that you can log it and it should count towards currency.

    VMC is not the determining factor, what is necessary to enable you to control the aircraft is, that is if you must use your instruments or not. One can be in VMC conditions over the Ocean as described above, but you need to use your instruments in order to maintain control. On the other hand, being in IMC conditions merely means you are not in VFR conditions as described in 91.155. So if you are 400 feet below the overcast and have unlimited visibility, you are IMC by definition, yet you can control he aircraft via visual means.

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