Ground Instructor privileges
Asked by: Flyer 2790 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Dear Sir,
My name is Sergei – I’m FAA ATPL holder from Russia
I'm going to get the FAA Ground Instructor's Certificate and in this regard, trying to understand how I can apply it in Russia.
Could you please clarify me some questions?
14 CFR 61.217 required to show that one of the following occurred during the preceding 12 calendar months:
(a) Employment or activity as a ground instructor giving pilot, flight instructor, or ground instructor training;
(b) Employment or activity as a flight instructor giving pilot, flight instructor, or ground instructor ground or flight training;
(c) Completion of an approved flight instructor refresher course and receipt of a graduation certificate for that course;
How the work is confirmed by the instructor? If I teach at the Russian aviation center - it will be considered as FAA instructor’s activity?
Another question is whether the license allows the instructor on the ground to carry out individual training, such as exam preparation for written PPL?
What other forms of individual training are allowed the FAA in the area of theoretical training?
Best regards.
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