Can I log PIC time when my medical is not valid or my flight review has lapsed?
Asked by: Jim Clausing 3399 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot
As the title suggests, my question is can I log PIC time when my medical is not valid or when I'm beyond my 24 months for my flight review? In both cases, I'm obviously flying with an instructor, in the former case, waiting for my special issuance from Ok City, in the former case, I was taking a flight review. In both cases, the instructor flying with me said the I couldn't log PIC time, but I was sole manipulator of the controls for both flights (the former was actually an IPC so that I'll be instrument current when my special issuance arrives in the mail, expected any day now), so I believe I should have been able to log the time as PIC, but I can sort of understand how the interpretation could go the other way.
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