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2 Answers

How to select Aiming point on runway; final

Asked by: 4470 views Commercial Pilot, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

When teaching aiming point and touchdown point, what would be the best way to teach students, taking flare distance into account?

Airplane Flying Handbook does not specifically mention distance prior to touch down point that an airplane would flare and hit the point right on spot.

Any credible sources or ideas or thoughts are welcome.

Thank you.

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2 Answers

  1. Robert Jankowski on Mar 30, 2016

    The AFH won’t specifically mention any specific numbers because every variable has to be taken into account. A lightly loaded 172 on a zero wind day will float more than a gross weight 182 with a stiff headwind or crosswind.

    Experience in many types of conditions with a consistent approach will help students understand the forces and the effects of the variables so they will know when to dump extra energy or conserve it.

    Think about power off 180’s. They are difficult to master because you have to think ahead of the airplane and know how the conditions will affect your landing. Sometimes you turn in a little sooner than others or hold on the flaps/gear till you’re closer to landing and that is something that really only experience can provide.

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  2. Christopher Ian on Aug 05, 2017

    Your aiming point might be 500, 750, 1000 feet from the threshold, depending on runway length. You know with your standard approach, on correct speed, steady descent, proper roundout and flare, you will carry futher and touchdown past your aiming point.
    You can correct for any of this all along your approach. No such thing as flarevdistance and you shouldn’t plan your landing at touchdown moving backward toward flare position.
    More speed, cold air, lighter weight humidity all effect flight, lift, floating.
    Pick your touchdown point on downwind. When abeam this point, begin your assessment adjusting for speed, wind and accordingly adjust your descent. Too low, too high, just right?
    I’m low, I’ll turn base sooner. I’m high, I’ll slip on base or on final. I’m fast, power to idle, add next notch of flaps sooner. It is an evaluation and adjustment game.

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