Flight training in part 141 and part 61; experiences and differences.
Asked by: Steve 2604 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hello everyone,
To begin with, I have my flight instructor hiring interview soon next week, and in pursuit of preparation for my HR, I would like to ask you of what you think and some feedbacks to shed some lights on my interview questions.
I finished my flight training through Commercial in part 141 university, and did my CFII, and CFI in part 61.
I recently applied for flight instructor position at university, and I am sure they are definitely going to ask why I did my CFI under part 61; outside the school.
I know I had lot of new experiences from 61 and surroundings but feel like need more ideas to put in and make it a firm answer to convince them that I am smart enough to be selected for flight instructor.
Thank you, you feed backs and comments are welcome !
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