FAA IR Flight Skills grade sheet
Asked by: Alexandr Karpov 3317 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Hi my name is Alexandr Karpov and I finished my flight training CPL/IR in Florida USA,
I'm from Kazakhstan and I have a problem, when i finished my flight training i got my FAA CPLIR license,
right now i'm in Kazakhstan and to start to fly I need to make validation of my license,
to do this Civil Aviation Committee of my country request FAA Check Skill Grade sheet when i did it with FAA Instructor,
the problem is that the school in which I was didnt give me this sheet,
I received a certificate of completion of training and also FAA CPLIR license,
right now i'm trying to contact with school to solve that problem but they didnt answer me,if somebody knows how to solve that problem please help
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