Prop Governor in Single Engine vs Multi Engine
Asked by: humble and fly 6203 views Aircraft Systems
So, I'm trying to find right answer for this question.
So far I found out that:
In single engine oil pressure for the prop governor will be used when prop need to go to higher pitch (Lower RPM). In case of oil loss prop will be in Low pitch High RPM setting.
In multi-engine, oil pressure for the prop governor will be used when prop need to go to low pitch (higher RPM). In case of oil loss prop will be in feather position for less drag.
Okay so my questions are:
1. Engine can run without prop governor? if so why multi-engine prop needs to be in feather position during loss of oil pressure? because if both engine can run without prop governor, landing will be much easier as long as engine is fine.
2. If engine can not be ran without prop governor, why single engine prop goes into low pitch / high rpm setting during loss of oil pressure? Less drag = farther gliding distance right?
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