helicopter atp practical test endorsement/proficiency questions
Asked by: Mike O 3929 views FAA Regulations
I meet all the aeronautical experience requirements to get my helo atp. I was looking through the regs to see if there are any endorsements or training requirements prior to the practical test. correct me if I'm wrong but I dont' see any. so all I need is the knowlege test complete and my logbook to prove the aeronautical experience?
also when reading the "flight proficiency" 61.157 it talks about taking the practical test. subpart (f) proficiency and competency checks conducted under part 135 .
I work for a part 135 operator - is subpart F saying that my 135.293 and 135.297 annual checkride would count as the practical test for my ATP so long as it is conducted by one of the evaluators listed in 61.157(f)(2) (the very next sentence)?
what's confusing to me is that it's calling it a proficiency and competency check instead of a practical test, which I'm assuming is because part 135 calls the 293 a competency check and 297 a proficiency check.
thanks in advance
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