Moderation comments
Asked by: John D Collins 7735 views Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Airspace, Aviation Headsets, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Helicopter, Instrument Rating, Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot, Student Pilot, Weather
This forum gets a fair number of spam posts, both automated and human. Until a few days ago, all posts had to go thru moderation before they would be posted. Answers to questions, for the most part, would automatically get published because of the use of the "I am not a robot" tool. Now the "Ask a Question" entry is using the "I am not a robot" tool. With this change, new questions are published without moderation and get posted much quicker. It has the downside that some questions from humans that are inappropriate for the site get thru. When these are spotted, they are being deleted.
The following terms have been auto-detected the question above and any answers or discussion provided. Click on a term to see its definition from the Dauntless Aviation JargonBuster Glossary.