Questions with no ability to answer them
Asked by: Mark Kolber 2806 views General Aviation
Just an FYI. There is apparently a glitch in the forum software that will sometimes leave a question without the ability to answer it. The most recent is "Commercial Aeronautical Experience: 61.129(a)." Edit - Added the checkmark for comments/Mod It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's probably equally frustrating for both the questioner and those who would like to answer it. Sometimes the moderators catch it, other times not. So (as a non-moderator) I would recommend that anyone who asks a question and does not see any answers posted after a full day, click on the question to see if there is an answer box available. If not, you might consider re-posting the question. Edit: I try to catch these, but if I don't, anyone can post as Mark has done, and I will correct the error. Normally, I would delete the "can't answer it post" after I correct the situation, but published this one, as it is useful to others/Mod
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