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5 Answers

Microwave Landing System (MLS)

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Hello pilots,  I'm Noy and I'm new user at "Ask CFI"  Who can explain to me or give me link about MLS system? I need specific knowledge about this system, Like, How it works? How to use and Minimum equipment for flying MLS.   Regards, Noy

5 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Jan 19, 2016

    There are no MLS approaches in the US. This technology was never widely adopted and is a dead end.

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  2. Noy Far on Jan 19, 2016

    Alright John! Thanks!

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  3. Best Answer

    Skyfox on Jan 21, 2016

    According to the AIM, the list of changes in 2015 applied to the AIM from 2014 included removing all references to the MLS, including the notes, “This change removes Microwave Landing System (MLS) as an approach type,” and, “Microwave Landing System (MLS) is no longer an approach option and was deleted.” However, you can still read all about it in the 2012 edition of the Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA-8083-15B (just jump to page 9-43):

    (Reference to MLS approaches have been removed from the Instrument Procedures Handbook, FAA-8083-16A.)

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  4. Bromschwig on Feb 11, 2016

    I fly to London Hethrow almost weekly for work. The MLS system is up and operational there, and used often. I hear Speedbird (British Airways) pilots asking for the Microwave instead of the ILS approach hourly. They obviously still have the equipment. I flew MLS approached in the 80’s at KSTP runway 30. A few of the flight schools even had their Archers and 172’s equipped with the Bendix King MLS receivers. They were the Bendix King ML-201A if memory serves.

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  5. Noy Far on Feb 11, 2016

    Cool! That good stuff. So, it’s not popular system (today) but what you say interesting. I want to know a little bit more about the system. I have good stuff from the Internet but it’s not explain how the system works.


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