Question about Class G airspace and Marginal VFR conditions
Asked by: Plane Crazy 12022 views Airspace, General Aviation, Student Pilot
I am hoping someone can clear something up for me.
As I understand it, Marginal VFR conditions exist when flight visibility is between 3 and 5 statute miles and/or ceilings are between 1000 and 3000 feet.
However, during the day I can operate in Class G airspace when flight visiblity is 1 statue mile.
Since marginal VFR conditions exist when visibility is between 3 -5 sm...wouldn't flying with 1 statue mile of flight visiblity in Class G be considered operating BELOW marginal VFR conditions?
Also, visibility is reported as GROUND visibility, correct? I guess it's up to the pilot to judge "flight visibility"...
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