Please take a look at the MIA5 depatarture from KOPF. (Download from AirNav if you do not have it)
The instructions seem in conflict. Specifically, suppose you are taking off RW 270R and want the WINCO transition.
The textual instructions are:
- climb heading 273°, thence....
- ....maintain 2000 or higher altitude and expect vectors to appropriate transition. Expect further clearance to filed altitude 10 minutes after departure.
OK - that is straightforward essentially runway heading to vectors to WINCO. However, there is a third text segment on page 2 regarding the WINCO:
"From over DHP VORTAC on DHP R-322 to WINCO INT"
DHP is a LEFT turn from OPF and would take the airplane directly across the KMIA departure / arrival paths; WINCO is a right turn. Which is it? What do I do in lost comm? Why do they have "from over DHP" I would expect the instruction to be "climb heading 273° to intercept DHP R-322 to WINCO"
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