2 Answers
135.243(b) relating to pistons and cargo operations
Asked by: shoestrings1229 3967 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I could be reading the reg wrong but I'm quite confused on how exactly 135.243(b) relates to a piston aircraft in a cargo operation. I understand it says 500TT etc, but lets take this as the example as this is for a small family operated company, flying cargo somewhere off the beaten path in North Dakota. Lets say the pilot has 300TT, 50XC, 30 which are at night, has an instrument rating and the aircraft is a PA34. Let's say the pilot isn't flying for free, but is being paid but is kicking in for fuel.
- Does this constitute him being "for hire" since he's technically paying part of the operating costs?
- And if it doesn't, what Part does this "operation/operator" technically fall under?
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