60 day rule: Clarification?
Asked by: Jax Teller 9066 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
So what I feared the most, happened. I flunked the instrument test. :( Happened on 17th of October. Busted the ILS. And we did not do unusual attitudes. DPE said we'll do this later too. I got the required instruction from my CFII on 11/02 and got the required endorsement (61.40?). I have not had a chance to go do the test as, I've been super busy with life (work, family, and everything else!). Finally heard from the DPE who said, I should look at the "date of recommendation", as we have to be within 60 days of this. Am totally confused. I thought I had 60 days since the first attempt? Or was it 2 calendar months? And when does this 60 day begin? Since getting the new endorsement? Any help would be appreciated!
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