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4 Answers

Endorsements needed

Asked by: 5597 views ,
FAA Regulations

I recently had someone come to me that had trained with another CFI, was endorsed and went to the examiner for a Private Pilot ASEL flight test. He got nervous and didn't make it past the oral. He and his recommending CFI have since parted ways. More than 4 months have gone by, and he has come to me to help him get through. I plan to fly with him to get him up to speed and endorse him for his flight test. My question is: What endorsements are needed?? I know I will have to do his 90 day solo, and endorsements for the flight test, but what about his cross country endorsements (the flight to flight test is cross country)by the other instructor? Since he has already satisfied the requirements for ASEL, would any other training requirements besides the 3 hrs prep for flight test be required ?   thanks, Clayton

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4 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Nov 20, 2015

    If you are going to allow him some solo practice time or is flying to another airport for the flight test, you obviously need to give him a solo endorsement. And, as you already said, the group of endorsements that apply specifically to the Practical Test, the 3 hours prep time endorsement and readiness for the test endorsement(s).

    I don’t see the need for any other new endorsements, unless I am missing something.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 20, 2015

    You missed the 61.49 endorsement. Since he failed once already, this is necessary.

    The 90 day solo endorsement needs to be valid.

    Since his 61.39 endorsement has expired, it needs to be reissued.

    If he is going cross country to the flight test, he needs an endorsement to get there and an endorsement to get back, in case he fails again.

    The endorsements for 61.105 and 61.107, 61.109 should not be necessary. His previous instructor provided all the required training and these endorsements.

    The 61.39 endorsement states that he is prepared for the test and the 61.49 endorsement states he is proficient to pass the test. The “prepared” language from the other two endorsements should not be necessary.

    Also, since it has been 4 months since his previous test, he will be tested on all tasks, not just those listed on his Notice of Disapproval.

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  3. Nibake on Nov 21, 2015

    If the student is planning to fly solo to the checkride, then remember that you will need to endorse the student pilot certificate and the logbook for solo flight, and the logbook for the specific cross country the day of. Interestingly I don’t see anything in the regs that suggests the cross country solo endorsement expires after 90 days, only the solo flight endorsement.

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  4. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 21, 2015

    Is there an echo, echo, echo in here, here, here?

    The only thing you mentioned that is not in the previous posts was to endorse the student pilot certificate. That is unnecessary unless the individual is planning on soloing an aircraft for which he does not already have an endorsement on his student pilot certificate. That was not indicated in the original post.

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