Brown Airport on En Route Low with IAP???
Asked by: HeliCarter 2579 views Instrument Rating
OK,m so looking at En Route Chart L-4 for SoCal at F70 (French Valley) and it is a Brown Airport, indicating No Approved IAP. But there is an Approved IAP in the TERPs listed as RNAV (GPS) RWY 18. My IFR DPE brought it up and asked, claiming ignorance, and commissioned me to be able to answer on my CFII Checkride. I'm a Commercial, IFR, Rotor guy working on my CFII and can't for the life of me figure this out. Nobody in my immediate circle can figure it out, as, for all intents and purposes, it's an Approved IAP and should be at lease a Green marked field. Any Ideas?
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