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Do I need my GPS Manual for my CFI Initial checkride?

Asked by: 2772 views Flight Instructor

I'm about to take my initial CFI checkride in a rented 177Rg, and the gps manual cannot be found. I have heard that my examiner is particular about this. Can I simply download it to my ipad? It's over 200 pages I believe (gns 430) so printing it out is an issue. Is having it even truly necessary? I have asked him and have not gotten a reply (one of those...) Any advice would help. Thanks.

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1 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Nov 06, 2015

    As part of your review of the documents and records for the airplane, look at the AFMS for STC and other modifications for the aircraft. If the aircraft has a GNS430W installed, it also has an AFMS.The AFMS calls out certain documents which are required to be available to the pilot in flight. I have a copy of my AFMS for my GNS530W, which is similar to the GNS430W. Section 2.0 Limitations describes the limitations of the STC and it is the only section of the manual which carries the weight of regulation. In my GNS530W AFMS Limitation section it states:

    2.1 Pilot’s Guide
    The Quick Reference Guide, part number and revision listed below (or later applicable revisions), must be immediately available for the flight crew whenever navigation is predicated on the use of the 5XXW Series unit.
     500W Series Quick Reference Guide P/N 190-00357-01 Rev H

    The Pilot’s Guide Addendum, part number and revision listed below (or later applicable revision), must be immediately available for the flight crew whenever one or more of the following units are installed and utilized with the 5XXW Series unit:

    GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Data link
    GDL 88 ADS-B Transceiver
    GTX 330/330D TIS
    Garmin TAWS (GPS 500WT & GNS 530WT)
    GTS 8XX Series TAS
    Flight Stream 210

     400W/500W Series Optional Displays P/N 190-00356-30 Rev L The Pilot’s Guide Addendum, part number and revision listed below (or later applicable revision), must be immediately available for the flight crew whenever one or more of the following units are installed and utilized with the 5XXW Series unit:

    Stormscope® Lightning Detection System
    Skywatch® Traffic Advisory System
    Bendix/King® Traffic Advisory System
    Avidyne/Ryan TCAD Traffic System

     400W/500W Series Display Interfaces P/N 190-00356-31 Rev D

    I carry all these documents on my ForeFlight iPad as readily accessible downloaded documents. I have never had a need to refer to them in flight, but they are there and available.

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