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3 Answers

RNAV entry from Missed Approach Hold

Asked by: 2609 views Instrument Rating

GPS RWY 27 Approach KGRD - If you follow the missed approach procedure and are in the hold at CORONACA (left turns using GIW as the fix) how would you initiate to re-fly the approach since CORONACA is also the IAF (ATC has you at 4,000 ft for radar contact) ?

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3 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Nov 04, 2015

    Once you are cleared for the approach, you can descend to 2300 feet in the holding pattern. If you are already inbound to the NDB, you have 1700 feet to lose in the procedure turn and another 800 feet in the inbound to the NDB as the FAF. You will need to go around at least one more time in the hold or perform the PT. Once you are established inbound at 2300 if you use the hold as the PT, you will have 800 feet to lose. I would prefer just flying to the IAF, turning about 225 degrees and intercept the OB course to the PT. If you are at 120 Kts and using 500 FPM in the descent and start your PT after two minutes outbound, that puts you at 3000 MSL, Another two minutes + in the PT outbound leg and 180 degree turn back to the inbound intercept, will easily permit the loss of the additional 700 feet to 2300 MSL inbound. This in turn is plenty of distance after intercepting the inbound course to the NDB as the FAF to lose the remaining 800 feet.

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  2. GR59 on Nov 04, 2015

    Thanks John ! Followup along the same lines. If I was approaching the airport directly from the East (Hdg of 270) and ATC is unable to give me vectors to final. Would they give me the full approach from the IAP and expect me to follow the same basic procedure (cross the IAP and turn to join OB to Procedure turn) ?

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  3. John D Collins on Nov 06, 2015

    Yes, regardless of the direction you are coming from, including the east, you must go to the IAF and do the PT. This approach has the IAF and FAF at the same point and on such a procedure, even if radar is available, ATC is not supposed to vector you to final as you are required to fly the PT. The controller manual gives the following instructions to the controller:

    “c.Except for visual approaches, do not clear an aircraft direct to the FAF unless it is also an IAF, wherein the aircraft is expected to execute the depicted procedure turn or hold-in-lieu of procedure turn.”

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