Performance chart interpolation
Asked by: Jason S 4123 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
Hi. So I'm working on my IFR rating, and was given the task to write up a flight plan from KTCY to KRNO. The plane I fly is a C172 and it's service ceiling is 14k, so technically it can fly over the mountains to Reno. However, the performance charts for time distance and fuel to climb only goes up to 12K. And since this is supposed to be an IFR flight, flying East requires an odd-thousand cruise altitude. The lowest MEA victorway route I could find without routing around the mountains was 11.5K, so I would need to fly 13K cruise altitude. So my question is, can I interpolate the performance chart up to 13K? Or would that be "test pilot" flying and considered unsafe?
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