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5 Answers

How to request radar fix identification to ATC on IAP

Asked by: 4366 views Airspace

What is an appropriate or "phraseologically" correct way to go about asking ATC to provide radar to identify fixes for an IAP? The only time I've heard ATC giving position reports relative to a fix is when I'm inbound to the FAF and about to get cleared for the approach.

5 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Nov 01, 2015

    N12345 requests radar identification of CONEL intersection. Note that the intersection should be charted with RADAR above the waypoint in order for radar to be used on the approach. See KUZA ILS Z or LOC Z RWY 2, CONEL intersection may be identified by radar but RALLY is not shown as a RADAR fix. Rally LOM or I-UZA DME 6.6 is required for the Localizer procedure.

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  2. Drew on Nov 01, 2015

    Thank you, John.

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  3. Drew on Nov 01, 2015

    Looking at ILS Z or LOC Z RWY 2, how would you identify the RALLY LOM if you don’t have DME? I think one way is to use 5.5 GPS distance from the runway threshold if you have a GPS overlay for the approach. Or use the GPS direct-to RALLY. However, you don’t have DME, GPS, or ADF, then how would you identify RALLY?

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  4. Russ Roslewski on Nov 01, 2015

    If you’re flying the ILS, you identify RALLY by glide slope intercept at 2500. No other equipment needed. If you’re flying the LOC, then do you have a marker beacon receiver? If so, you use that to identify RALLY. It’s an LOM, which means a collocated NDB and outer marker. If you don’t even have that, then you can’t identify RALLY, and therefore you find another approach to fly.

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  5. Drew on Nov 04, 2015

    Thank you, Russ.

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