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class bravo incursion

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Yesterday when I landed at KCHD the controller told me "possible pilot deviation call phx approach." and gave me a number. When I called phoenix approach they said they have not reviewed the tapes yet but asked for my info. Pilot cert. phone number and address. Then I was told the FSDO will contact you in matter of two weeks! I don't know why I was given a phone number but I guess because i was doing aerobatics and I set my altimeter to zero I might have messed up the altitudes and busted through Phoenix bravo airspace. I was on air to air frequency at the time and I was not listening to the approach. I did not do anything intentional and I'm frustrated and afraid. I'm thinking about filling up a NASA report.  Anyone has any experience or any knowledge about what could happen next?

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1 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Oct 26, 2015

    The typical next step – if the FAA decides to pursue it – is a \”Letter of Investigation\” from the FSDO, informing you that your are being investigated for a possible FAR violation and requesting your input. It will also include a notice of your rights under the Pilots Bill of Rights, including the right to request the \”air traffic data\”.

    What to do is much too dependent on a lot of facts and circumstances for an online one-fits-all answer. If you are an AOPA member with the Pilot Protection Services legal plan, this is the time ti use it for a consultation.

    Many of these cases end at the investigation level with anything other than a \”slap on the wrist\” or a administrative warning notice. Others go further with permanent violations on your pilot record and certificate suspensions. And, especially in this day of the \”new\” FAA guidance on handling many of these things administratively (no violation), a lot can depend on a pilot\’s first response to receiving a Letter of Investigation.

    So I can\’t give any specific advise except: (1) Definitely submit a NASA ASRS report. Properly prepared, it will not avoid a violation but it may avoid the imposition of a penalty – if the matter goes that far; and (2) speak with a knowledgeable professional about your specific case.

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