True and proper VOR check
Asked by: victor torres 2961 views General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
Boys, I keep hearing that whenever you do a VOR check in this case a ground check at a designated location on the field the tolerance is within 4 degrees of each other. Here is my confusion. The sign on the taxiway sais align your course to 130 facing this direction and when I do this the top vor centers at actually 124 and the bottom centers at 133 degrees. That is 9 degrees of difference from each other but what I am trying to understand does the CDI on both VORS have to be within 4 degrees or does the course at the top of the VORS must be within 4 degrees and do both VORS course deviation indicators have to align in the center or does the needle need to be within certain tolerances? My my confusion stems from the fact that I keep hearing people doing it one way and the other and for a while I thought I was doing it right and even certain instructors could not answer me with an answer that i felt was correct. Please help me guys clear up this confusion
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