<500 hour private pilot question
Asked by: Trevor W. Noman 3359 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot
Here is the situation...I am working with someone on a charity prize. We are looking at an auction for certain items, and one idea was floated was an hour flight. Now, some background, I'm under 500hrs and I am a private pilot. Typically when I go flying and I bring people up, I don't share the costs...I incur 100% of the cost for the flight myself. Now, I know strictly, I cannot preform charity flights (airplane rides, Angel Flight, and so on) if I have total time of under 500hours. If someone donates $XXX to the charity, then can I take them up for a flight as a thank you? I would pay for the hourly rate of the aircraft, so no money is crossing paths between the charity or the FBO. I am not representing myself as a company, a part of the charity or anything that could tie me in legally. I also will not claim a deduction because that could be considered as compensation for the flight under charity rules...so my question is simply, is this legal? I'm floating this question to all of you before I even consider this idea. I am not interested in even mentioning if I am contemplating of breaking a reg. What are your thoughts? Thanks, Trevor
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