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5 Answers

ATC approach communication when Approach is at another airport

Asked by: 2816 views Airspace, General Aviation

When flying VFR into a towered airport, but that airport's App/Dep is remote, or at another location, what is the proper communication? Specific example is KTZR (Bolton, OH).  Towered at TZR, but App/Dep is Columbus...Is the radio call to App as "Bolton Approach" or "Columbus Approach" (and then letting them know you are inbound to TZR)?

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5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Oct 04, 2015

    First, I would ask what your flight instructor told you.

    Second, the facility has a name, “Columbus Approach”. That is the name to use when calling.

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  2. Paradise Bound on Oct 04, 2015

    Thanks Kris…unfortunately I only flew into controlled airports with my instructor that had Tower and Radar (App/Dep) at the same facility…TZR was different from what I have experienced and you helped confirm my thoughts.

    When contacting “Columbus Approach” inbound for Bolton TZR, I just let them know my intentions for Bolton, correct?

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  3. Mark Kolber on Oct 04, 2015


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  4. ssgplazmoid on Nov 05, 2015

    I think it’s fine to just call them “Approach”.

    “Approach, N12345 (distance from airport), (your altitude), inbound to Bolton Field with information X-Ray (or whatever ATIS)”

    If it’s busy or if they prefer in your area you may want to just say on initial contact “Approach, N12345 request” and then state your request when they respond.

    At extremely busy towers sometimes there was never time to say the entire request on initial contact so instead I would say “(airport name) Tower, N12345 request” which shuts everyone else up since tower will be responding and as soon as tower said “N12345 go ahead with your request” I made a beeline into the class D while I stated my request since I had established 2-way communication. It was common to be stuck 5 – 10 minutes outside the airspace because there was literally no time to talk on the frequency!

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  5. Rob Ward on Dec 03, 2015

    I fly out out of Dayton which also uses Columbus approach. Everyone in the area says “Columbus approach” when on an IFR plan or getting flight following. Then just tell them where you’re headed.

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