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5 Answers

CFI’s and Their BFR

Asked by: 4156 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor

I have found two questions addressing the same issue on this blog. It regards whether or not a CFI exam counts as a BFR. One article says it does, the latest one says it does not. I'm a Light Sport CFI and was told when I passed the practical flight test that it also counted as a BFR. But the examiner did not write out a separate endorsement for the BFR in my log book, only that I had passed the CFI. So am I legal or not, assuming it may have been more then 2 years since my last BFR?

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5 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Sep 15, 2015

    I am reluctant to give a direct answer to a fellow CFI on this type of question because you should know how to read the regulations, which are quite clear on the topic. See 61.56 (d)(2) and report back.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Sep 15, 2015

    I’m usually the first one to say “look it up,” especially to another CFI. But in this case, there was so much confusion over this before the rule changed two years ago, a question is understandable. But ultimately I agree with John. One (and not only a CFI) should be looking at the rule first and then asking a question if it is unclear to them what it says.

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  3. Andy on Sep 15, 2015

    I agree with John. This seems pretty cut and dry, but I’ll come out and say it. Yes, your cfi practical test meets the requirements for a flight review.

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  4. Mark Kolber on Sep 16, 2015

    Andy, you ruined it !! 🙂 I was looking forward to the possibility that someone might not understand

    A person who has, within the period specified in paragraph (c) of this section, passed any of the following need not accomplish the flight review required by this section:
         (2) A practical test conducted by an examiner for the issuance of a flight instructor certificate, an additional rating on a flight instructor certificate, renewal of a flight instructor certificate, or reinstatement of a flight instructor certificate.

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  5. Russ Roslewski on Sep 16, 2015

    To expand on this a little, it used to be a confusing question. Up until a couple of years ago, 61.56 referred to a practical test for a “pilot” certificate. Many (maybe most) interpreted that to mean that a CFI checkride of course counted. Someone asked the FAA Chief Counsel, and their interpretation was that since a CFI certificate is not a “pilot” certificate (rather, it’s an instructor certificate), it did not meet the requirement for a renewal of a flight review.

    I agree with them that it was a good, accurate interpretation of how the rule was written. Probably not how it was intended, but they did a good job with the actual written language.

    Of course, that apparently wasn’t AFS’s intent, so they rewrote the rule to make it clear that a CFI checkride counted for a flight review, thereby making the FAA Chief Counsel’s interpretation no longer valid. However, since this all just changed in the last couple of years, word has not made it to everybody!

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