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3 Answers

military aircraft touch and goes at KMYR

Asked by: 3289 views Airspace, General Aviation

Is there any way to know in advance when a military plane will come to kmyr to practice touch and goes? They show up all time but are they planned in advance? Is there someplace on the Internet I can get a schedule? Or do they just show up an request a certain amount of touch and goes?

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3 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Sep 15, 2015

    I would not think that the military would post a schedule on the internet concerning its flight operations schedule. There would be no reason to do so and it could present a security issue for them.

    You didn’t say why you wanted the schedule. Are you just interested in watching them?
    Or are you a low time pilot who wants to avoid the airport when they are present?

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  2. Andy on Sep 15, 2015

    The pilots do not “schedule” when they will be doing touch and goes at a particular airport. This happens much in the same fashion civilian flights do. Something along the lines of, “you want to go to myrtle beach, do some touch and goes, then grab a hamburger?” You may think I’m joking but I am not.

    Experience: CFII, ATCS, 13 year military pilot

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  3. Tom Wick on Sep 20, 2015

    Andy is exactly correct. You show up to fly a local for training and you ponder the question, \”Where should we go today for training?\” It might be that the weather is marginal at your home base or you simply want a change from the normal routine so your pilots can experience aviation from other than your home base. We had a suggested list of authorized airports that we could choose to fly our local training and that was derived from prior site surveys that fit the conditions required by our aircraft. Sometimes we would \”bounce around\” several airport on a four hour local trainer to meet training objectives. So your answer \”hondagli1800\” is that you will never be able to find out the flight schedules from a military command post due to security reasons.

    Experience: ATP DC10, MD11, CE-500, Military Instructor/Flight Examiner

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