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Steps to becoming an instructor

Asked by: 5052 views General Aviation

I am a pretty new first officer working for an airline.I am 20 years old. I have an Airbus A319/A320 type rating. I have a frozen ATPL, with multi engine CPL and instrument rating. I have always had a passion for teaching people. And after a few months in the line, I feel that airline flying is just not for me. So how do I go about being a flight instructor? what are the processes involved? and how much will it cost(approximate values would be fine)? And would my airline flying experience be an advantage? before anyone starts questioning my sanity, let me tell you this. Life's not all about money =)

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4 Answers

  1. Matthew Waugh on Dec 15, 2010

    You’re insane 🙂
    Just to clarify – what country are you going to be an instructor in? It doesn’t sound like the United States – so before we all go down the rat hole of Fundamentals of Instruction it might be worth checking that.

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  2. Heather McNevin on Dec 15, 2010

    I too chose to teach because it was what I wanted to do.  I don’t make a lot of money at it, but I enjoy it.  I would recommend sticking with your job until you get your CFI certificate and may pick up a student or two, just to make sure its really what you want to do. 
    There are a lot of different places to teach, so take that into consideration.  You can get your CFI from your local flight school, from an accelerated course, or from a large flight training program.  You can also instruct at a variety of locations.  You can be an independent CFI, a CFI who teaches accelerated courses, a CFI in another country, etc. 
    If you are looking at CFI training here in the US, you’ll need to take a couple of writtens (one CFI knowledge test and one fundamentals of instructing) and meet minimum aeronautical experience requirements as discussed in the FARs.  It would be handy to have some lessons plans done before you get your certificate, since youll have to do at least one lesson to the DPE.  Depending on your location and how busy the FSDO is, you might do your practical with them or with a DPE.  Lots of variables.  Someone with an airline background and some flying proficiency would probably do well at an accelerated course, if you’re so inclined.  I think that would take about a week of school and probably cost around 5 grand.

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  3. Jim Foley on Dec 15, 2010

    As a current flight student at a university, I can assure you that your professional flight expierience will be cherished.  All of the flight instructors at my university are current or recently graduated students using flight instructing as a stepping stone to build time.  Of the 14 CFIs I’ve had in my flight training, I have had only one who had professional expeirience.  He had over 30,000 hours, type rated in the 717, 727, 737, A319, A320, A340, as well as many other smaller aircraft.  He was my instructor for only about 3 months, while I finished my private, but I learned more from him in that time than all my other instructors.  I can assure you that all my friends who are also in the flight school constantly conplian that we do not have anybody with expirience, and that any you have (even if it’s only a few months of FO) will be greatly appreciated.
    As for actually recieving the CFI license, I don’t can’t say.  All I konw about that is that I will be doing it through the university, following the Jeppeson syllabus that we use.  Good luck, and trust me, a CFI that genuinly wants and likes to teach will be highly demanded.

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  4. Wesley Beard on Dec 15, 2010

    It sounds to me that you are living and working in Europe.  The regulations there are quite different than here in the United States.  You didn’t say if you had a single engine CPL so I would first start working on that rating.  Most students start with the single engine private license and add the multi engine later.  I would first figure out what is required to become an instructor in your country and go from there.  There is a question “How to become a professional instructor?” here in the forum you can read for advice on getting a US license.  The cost for a US license will range from $2,000 to $8,000 depending on your depth of knowledge and flying proficiency.  It is much more expensive in Europe from what I have heard.
    Do you happen to have a multi-crew license?  I am just curious how you obtained your licenses.  Thanks

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