Scenario: Say we have an aircraft which requires a type rating. This said aircraft is single-pilot certified. The PIC of said aircraft is obviously holds a type rating in this aircraft. Let's say there is also an SIC for this aircraft who has received the proper training as SIC in this aircraft. Out of that scenario, I have the following questions: 1) If the PIC's type rating has a restriction which requires an SIC, does the SIC have to have a type rating in the aircraft as well (does this also depend on what type of operation is being conducted)? 2) If the PIC's type rating is unrestricted and allows for single pilot operations, but the operation he/she is conducting requires an SIC, does the SIC need to have a type rating in the aircraft? 3) If the answer is yes to both of the above, is there any scenario where the SIC would not be required to hold a type rating in the aircraft they are operating as SIC?
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