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4 Answers

Additional Crewmember Certification

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FAA Regulations

Scenario: Say we have an aircraft which requires a type rating. This said aircraft is single-pilot certified. The PIC of said aircraft is obviously holds a type rating in this aircraft. Let's say there is also an SIC for this aircraft who has received the proper training as SIC in this aircraft. Out of that scenario, I have the following questions: 1) If the PIC's type rating has a restriction which requires an SIC, does the SIC have to have a type rating in the aircraft as well (does this also depend on what type of operation is being conducted)? 2) If the PIC's type rating is unrestricted and allows for single pilot operations, but the operation he/she is conducting requires an SIC, does the SIC need to have a type rating in the aircraft? 3) If the answer is yes to both of the above, is there any scenario where the SIC would not be required to hold a type rating in the aircraft they are operating as SIC?

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4 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Sep 08, 2015

    61.55 deals with SIC qualifications. If you don’t meet those qualifications then you cannot act as second in command on a flight requiring more than one pilot.

    In regard to your scenarios.

    (1) Since the pilot has a restriction on his license for a second in command you will be a required crew member anytime he is the pilot in command regardless of type of operation. You can log that time as SIC in your logbook. You do not need a PIC or SIC type rating inside the United States. Outside the country some other aviation authorities require a SIC type rating.

    (2) If the pilot doesn’t require a second in command, the the operation must require a SIC on board. Part 135 IFR without an autopilot or safety pilot are two examples of such operations. You do not need a type rating just be qualified according to 61.55.

    (3). SICs in the US do not require any type ratings on the airplane…. Only that they ar qualified per 61.55. Outside the US may require an SIC type rating.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Sep 08, 2015

    It’s a small point, but an important one.

    61.55(a)(3) requires that the SIC have a type rating (PIC or SIC) for conducting flight operations outside of domestic U.S. airspace.

    If you were to depart from Flint, MI and fly direct to Cleveland, OH, you would pass through Canadian airspace and would be required to have at least an SIC type rating to act as SIC.

    Same requirement if you were flying from Tampa to Houston.

    Also, note that the training for SIC is an annual requirement, even if you have an SIC type rating.

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  3. jeff on Sep 12, 2015

    Im gonna disagree alittle with Kris. Practically, Unless you are operating and landing in a foreign country, the SIC type rating is not required. In both of Kris senerios, since you are taking off and landing in the US, the SIC type is not required. Keep in kind, that if the pic is certified single pilot, that regardless of whether you have an SIC type rating, you cant legally log SIC time.

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  4. Kris Kortokrax on Sep 13, 2015


    Feel free to disagree, but you are wrong when you state that “Unless you are operating and landing in a foreign country, the SIC type rating is not required.”

    The rule I quoted clearly requires an SIC type rating when conducting flight operations outside U.S. airspace. If you are flying in Canadian airspace, you are conducting flight operations outside U.S. airspace.

    You are offering an opinion that is not supported by the rule. When you use the word “Practically”, you appear to be saying that it is OK to ignore the rule because you are not landing in a foreign country. Would you also be willing to ignore the FCC rule requiring a radio station license and a Restricted Radiotelephone Operators license for the pilot?

    What other rules are you willing to ignore?

    The SIC training must be done regardless of whether one gets the SIC type rating or not. It is just a paperwork issue. Is the pilot’s time too important to waste going to the FSDO or a DPE to fill out an 8710-1 form and get a Temporary Certificate with the SIC type rating?

    If you take a look at the Nichols interpretation, you will see that there is a scenario under Part 135 which would allow use of an SIC and logging of SIC time with a PIC who holds the type rating with single pilot privileges.


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