Most efficient way of getting my IFR rating
Asked by: santiagoqr1 6162 views Instrument Rating
So, I know there's a 40 hour requirement of actual or simulated instruments, plus 50 hours of solo cross country, but I wonder what's the most efficient way of flying those hours, having in mind that I plan to get my Commercial as well, also having in mind that I currently hold my PPL and I have these hours so far: 46.5 Dual 12.1 PIC Those are respectively: 55.6 day time 3 night time 2.2 simulated instruments 7.1 solo cross country So, given this, how many hours do I need, and what should each of them be, in order to get my Instrument rating, and then be ahead in my commercial (which I'm aware is mostly time building) Thank you!
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