Start my own helicopter business under part 91
Asked by: Fred Brock 5290 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Helicopter
I recently finished my training to become a commercial helicopter pilot. My plan is fairly simple. I want to open my own business with one helicopter and operate under part 91. As far as I understand it, I can do everything that is listed under 119.1 (3); Student instruction (I can't do that since I am not a certified instructor), Nonstop Commercial Air tours, Ferry or training flights (again I can only do the ferry flights), Aerial work, Nonstop flights for parachutes. What I want to do is Photo Flights and Airtours within a 25 miles until I have enought hours to apply for 135 certification. Provided I have a base of operations and a helicopter could I (theoretically) start tomorrow and do those two things? Can I "hold out" to the public? Meaning offering the services on my webpage and flyers? If the answer is yes, how do I start this process? Do I have to notify the FAA? Are there application forms? Does anyone else need to know or approve it? I am looking forward to your answers.
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