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3 Answers

Instrument training

Asked by: 4307 views Flight Instructor

Can a CFII, MEI provide instrument training to an instrument student in a single engine aircraft without being a SEI?



3 Answers

  1. Wesley Beard on Dec 06, 2010

    The answer is NO.  A recent rule change by the FAA in October 2009 now requires the authorized instructor to hold the correct category and CLASS on their CFI certificate.  Reference FAR 61.195(c).
    Last year I would have answered YES to your question.  The reasoning back then was that the CFII was teaching instruments and not how to fly the airplane.  There were FAA letters that stated the same thing.  This is no longer the case.

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  2. Mario Bedayo on Dec 06, 2010

    What is the technique to intercept the ils supposing your outbound 204R and the inbound is 045 outbound i use the vor when do i switch to localizer freq. and what bank angle i will use if my airspeed is 120K,also from the vor non precision app. how many min. to fly the outbound before i do a reverse to intercept the inbound course thank you.

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  3. Kent Shook on Dec 07, 2010

    You’ll get more answers if you post a new question instead of an “answer” to an existing question. Also, when asking approach questions it is helpful if you state exactly what  approach you’re talking about as there may be more considerations on a particular approach that can change the answers.
    I think  your question, as asked, is a little bit too vague to answer properly. So, you’re outbound on a VOR radial, but intercepting a localizer? The answer depends on where the two are in relation to each other and what the approach plate says. The only thing I can answer based on the information in your question is that the amount of time you need to fly outbound before performing a course reversal depends on your groundspeed and the space available for the course reversal. Most approaches will have you remain within 10nm of a particular fix, but some approaches use more or less. Also, if you have a strong tailwind on the outbound, you may need to begin the reversal almost right away to avoid being blown outside the safe radius, or in the unlikely event of a headwind on the outbound, add additional time to allow you to get established and stabilized inbound prior to crossing the fix again. Finally, faster airplanes will need to spend less time on the outbound to remain within the safe area. So, there is no one answer that will always work.
    Please re-post the details of your ILS question as a new question (not an “answer” to this one) so we can give you a good answer. Don’t forget to tell us what approach you’re looking at so we can look at the plate too.

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