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2 Answers

I have problem with managing airspeed when air is turbulent

Asked by: 3676 views Weather

So I have problem with managing air speed when air is turbulent during landing. I tend to land so fast. Like around 75 knot. I think it's because I'm scared and nervous so any advice I will really appreciate. Any tips what you do when air is turbulent :)

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2 Answers

  1. Nibake on Jul 30, 2015

    I’m sure others will weigh in but here are some thoughts.

    If you are talking about turbulent conditions where windshear is unlikely, say unstable air, not a lot of wind on a hot and bumpy summer afternoon, then there is not really a need to increase your approach speed much and you should try to keep it stable.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that turbulence tends to affect bank and yaw more than pitch. You may be overcontrolling your pitch. Try to keep a light touch on the control wheel and only use one hand. Look outside more and focus on maintaining the right pitch attitude rather than fixate on your airspeed indicator. You may think you’re getting too slow but you probably are not. If you are, looking outside will give you an immediate indication if you began to sink and you can promptly lower the nose and add power. Also, your flight instructor will certainly respond or tell you, since he/she will have a more developed sense of how high your angle of attack actually is and whether you are beginning to sink/mush.

    Trim works in turbulence as well as smooth air. Figure out how to trim, even try memorizing how many turns or fractions of the turns you use at different locations in the pattern, this will help you get your airspeed established. Don’t fight against the yoke, if you find yourself pushing forward all the way down final you are doing it wrong.

    Note: This advice assumes you are flying a trainer, as getting a little slow on final is very forgiving in trainers if you recognize it quickly and respond correctly. This isn’t true of all airplanes, though (e.g. the Meridian that pancaked in at Oshkosh last week.)

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  2. Russ Roslewski on Jul 30, 2015

    Most of the airspeed problems (actually most of all problems) that I’ve seen in turbulent air result simply from overcontrolling. Nibake has some good advice.

    Trim and position the nose as normal. Then, when the bumps come, at first don’t do anything. In many cases, it’s a very transient thing that immediately goes away. But if you try to manhandle the aircraft quickly back to the orientation is was in, you end up overcontrolling. Instead, do nothing for a moment. This usually helps a lot.

    In turbulent air, the airspeed indicator may be bouncing around like crazy. Don’t chase it. Just let it remain at an average value around your normal speed, pitching for a normal attitude.

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