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Flight Instructor

All, Great site, thanks for keeping it up. Ran across this trying to reacquire a career path. I'm a medically retired C-130 pilot, I can get an FAA medical, but the military can't waive my multiple sclerosis, so I got the boot. Can't blame them, I only get more expensive the longer they hold onto me for retirement. Anyways, I know I can get a conditional medical pending my neurologist sees I have no adverse issues with my treatment, which I don't. No problem, life's been good so far, and its not like symptoms instantaneously hit you, for all we know the AF could have misdiagnosed me. I have no desire to fly for the airlines, but I'm desperate to get back behind the stick. So it hit me today, maybe (I haven't researched it yet) I could use my GI bill to get my CFI/II ratings. I'm assuming the GI bill would cover this, like I said I haven't researched anything yet other than finding your website, (did I mention this was a great site?). But if it does, where does a guy like me start? I have 1200 hrs in military aviation, multi engine, commercial, instrument ratings, and all the jazz that comes with flying tactical airlift. Not that any of that applies, but experience is experience. Do I just find a school and tell them I'm here to get my CFI and then my CFII? Do I do these together? I'm sure there are some currency issues with my ratings, I haven't flown in 6-7 months. Its been busy between retiring, finding work and moving, etc. But part time teaching, maybe eventually in an airplane that I own, seems like it would be a great way to scratch the itch to fly while imparting my love of flight onto other enthusiastic want-to-be aviators. I'm a GS government employee so my schedule is pretty predictable, and flexible. I just want to make sure I have not overlooked any show stoppers. Like, even though I can get an FAA medical, would I still be hirable since MS might carry a bit of a stigma with it. Some people still believe I might instantly lose control of my arms... Treatment has come a long way in the last ten years, but MS still has a stiff reputation among the public. Maybe id have to try and go freelance huh? Anyways, mostly just looking for networking and opinions from folks that seem to be where I want to get to. Im sorry if I missed what is probably a plethora of similar posts, I just didn't find them. Thanks in advance. -A

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4 Answers

  1. Russ Roslewski on Jul 28, 2015

    Yes, the post-9/11 GI Bill (and the Montgomery GI Bill) will cover CFI training. I used it for exactly that. You will have to find a VA-approved school through the VA website at:


    There is some paperwork. The school you use should be able to talk you through that. There is some information on flight training on the VA website itself, but as expected it is not complete and doesn’t answer a lot of questions you may have.

    If you can get a medical, I don’t think anybody is going to ask any more questions about your physical abilities. A usual route for new CFIs would be to see if the school you train at will hire you when you’re done. That’s what I did, then I moved and went mostly freelance. Once you build up a reputation where you are, it can be pretty much self-sustaining through word of mouth. I teach part-time and have just the right amount of workload to keep me busy but not too much!

    If you have more questions, please feel free to contact me through any of the means in my profile and I’ll try to help however I can.


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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Jul 28, 2015

    Did you get your Commercial and Instrument based on your military experience? I would hope so. Also, you should have gotten an L-382 type rating based on having flown the C-130.

    If you were an Instructor Pilot in the military, skip the school. Take your paperwork to your local FSDO and they will issue you a Flight Instructor certificate with Airplane Multi-engine and Instrument Airplane ratings. I guess you can’t completely skip the school. You would need to add the Airplane Single Engine.

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  3. Andy Adams on Jul 29, 2015


    On point. That’s exactly what I was looking for and hoping to get into, hope you don’t mind if I have follow-up questions with you. Thanks for the great info.


    I was diagnosed literally just before attending IP school, so never got any of the IP stink, but do have the little card that has all the certs from finishing UPT (Commercial, Instrument, multiengine, and I want to say single engine (ill have to check it, its been a while since I looked at it, T-6 Texan II, T44A, C-130J.. Wasn’t exactly planning on leaving the AF that soon). I took an exam right after pilot training to get all that. No type rating though, didn’t even realize that was an option out of the herc. Is that something worth pursuing? I can’t imagine it would hurt. If so, how? Since I have the time in the herc, do I need to spend more money on finishing up that type rating, or is it simply a case of bringing my 781’s (records) to someone to verify and get.

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  4. Kris Kortokrax on Jul 29, 2015

    14 CFR 61.73 (a)(3) allows you to get the type rating based on your military qualifications.

    61.73 (h) describes the documents you need to present in order to get it.

    Just take your documents to your local FSDO, fill out an 8710-1 application and they should issue it.

    I would call first to make sure that they know they can do this. Some inspectors rarely deal with this and are not familiar with the process.

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