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4 Answers


Asked by: 5453 views Student Pilot

After a student solos and starts to fly for a few hours on there own and if there is a break in training on lets say 4 weeks because of weather and maintenance issues, How do you feel about a student flying solo after a break of four weeks? I do realize everyone is different but I was wondering what you think about this issue...

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4 Answers

  1. Gary Moore on Nov 19, 2010

    Personally – I would want to fly with the student every couple weeks regardless.  And to your specific question – after not flying for a month – I would want to fly with them again before they go off on their own.

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  2. Jason Schappert on Nov 19, 2010

    As a flight instructor it call comes down to the student. However being it a low time student having not flown in a month I would feel much better getting back in the airplane with them. Maybe for a quick local flight just to brush up on maneuvers.
    Plus remember my students are flying my airplane 🙂
    That influences my decision a bit as well.

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  3. Wesley Beard on Nov 20, 2010

    I would require my student to fly with me again to ensure they are still proficient in the areas listed in 61.87.  Plus, I always think how an administrative law judge would look at the situation if my student had an accident / incident after not flying for four weeks.

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  4. Matthew Waugh on Dec 02, 2010

    I agree with the general principles laid out by the others – but my question is – do you make your endorsement based on those rules? Because if you don’t then you don’t really believe in the sanctity of the limits – you’re just hoping your student is smart enough to know their own limitations.
    I used to put wind and ceiling limitations on my endorsement – but never a time (outside of the regulatory limits). But I guess I worked at a flight school where I could see the schedule, so if I thought a student was about to commit an act of stupidity I could provide them with some advice.
    As for the administrative law judge – legal is safe. As long as nobody can show that at the time you endorsed the student they did not meet the pre-requisites for that endorsement you’d be fine. You can’t legislate stupid.

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