Part 91 can shoot an IAP and land in 0 visibility?
Asked by: Drew 5267 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I've been looking around and it seems that Pt 91 operators can shoot and approach and land in zero vis conditions. FAR 91.175 says otherwise, unless I'm missing something. I know that Pt 91 operators can takeoff in 0/0 and that they can shoot an approach regardless of ceiling or ground visibility as long as they meet the flight visibility requirements for the IAP. I'm getting the sense that what the advocates of 0 vis landing are saying is that Pt 91 ops allow you to land regardless of the ATIS/tower visibility since all that matters is that the vis you see meets the prescribed vis mins, which I would agree with. If you cannot obtain the prescribed visibility when looking outside, then you cannot land. Is this correct?
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