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3 Answers

Stalled landing?

Asked by: 4513 views Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

thanks for taking some of ur precious time to answer my question.okay,  My instructor used to tell me that a stall landing is a good landing,but so far for me i had never tried a stall landing before(which the stall warning will produce the loud sound) and when i'm roaming the youtube videos i found out so many pilots will land the plane with stall warning sound. basically,i'll land the aircraft using recommended approach speed which is 60/65kts. is it the problem that i didn't hold long enough during level-off and flare?

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3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jun 07, 2015

    It could be. Only a CFI flying with you would know for sure.

    A lot of pilots tend to rush the touchdown with the result that the airplane is still capable of flight when it touches down.

    Most often it’s due final approach being a bit too fast. That’s very, very common. There’s more energy to dissipate which results in a float. We don’t like to float so we “put” the airplane on the runway. “Holding it off” will allow that excess energy to dissipate and get that stall warning activated just before touchdown.

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  2. Wes Beard on Jun 07, 2015

    The speed you should fly is 1.3 x VS0 which for a C-172 is around 55-60 knots.

    The 172 POH only has a procedure for a short field landing at it stipulates you fly 55-60 knots at 50 feet over the obstacle and then reduce power to maintain that speed to the flare / touchdown.

    The point being is that with a 30% increase in the speed above the stall you shouldn’t be hearing the stall warning. The numbers in the book are predicated on following the procedure listed in section four which include applying maximum braking once on the ground.

    It’s true that getting the stall horn going reduces the ground roll distance but may increase the distance required from the runway threshold as friction with the pavement is greater than induced drag.

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  3. Nibake on Jun 08, 2015

    Remember that the stall warning is only a reference and not a very good one at that. Each airplane might be a little different, so get to know the one you are flying. When was the last time your mechanic calibrated your stall warning in accordance with the service manual? Not likely. I once taught in a 172 with STOL mods but the stall warning was never calibrated so it would any sound in a very, very pronounced accelerated stall.

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