Confused about CPL rating requirements
Asked by: Vasisht Srinivasan 6153 views Commercial Pilot
I'm sorry if this has been asked before - I tried searching and came up with partial answers. I'm trying to make sense of the Commercial Rating requirements and the FARs appear to be not very helpful. I've bolded the requirements about which I have specific questions.!OpenDocument&ExpandSection=-3 My understanding is that one needs the following in order to take the practical test: 1) 250 hours of flight time - does this include FTD/Simulators done during instrument training? 2) 100 hours in powered aircraft; 50 in airplane (all my flying is in airplanes) 3) 100 hours of PIC time with: a) 50 hours in airplanes and b) 50 hours of cross country time
4) 10 hours of instrument training (I have my instrument rating so I assume that takes care of this requirement?)
5) 10 hours of complex time
6) 5 hour of night VFR time with 10 takeoffs & landings - does the time I spent doing this while getting my private certificate count?
7) one 2 hour cross country trip of 100 nm during the day and one 2 hour trip at night - do these have to be with an instructor on board?
8) The big 300 nm cross country trip with landings at 2 airports, etc, etc...
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