MOA – Contacting the controlling agency
Asked by: still learning 8358 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation
As far s MOA's are concerned I know this; - As VFR it's perfectly legal to fly through one, but it is smart to contact the "controlling agency" to see if it's active or "HOT". -I know I can see if the MOA is active via FSS, but had a question concerning another way to find out.. Say I was flying to an uncontrolled airport (A) from another uncontrolled airport (B). There are two separate controlled airports within 10 miles or so of both departing and arriving airports. Could I just ask for flight following from the controlled airport near my departing airport and blast through the MOA knowing that ATC has my back? (unless they terminate my Flight following) Would this qualify as my contacting the local controlling agency? Or should I refer to the Controlling agency on my sectional? It says the agency (washington cntr), but not the frequency! also just says alt 7,000... does that mean it starts and extends upwards or is that the ceiling? I have already looked in the AIM 3-4-5. If I need to elaborate or provide specific airport identifiers and some sectional pictures I could do that. Also, if I can't and need to contact FSS to request info about the MOA status, how might I go about that? And one last edit on this; would you even recommend going into a MOA when active even when talking to someone?
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