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departure procedures

Asked by: 4426 views Instrument Rating

Ive  found in icao doc 8168 about omnidirectional deprture,im still confuse,,what is that? Would someone explained with some examples..thanks

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5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on May 05, 2015

    Did you just stumble upon omnidirectional departures while reading through 279 pages of a technical manual that is not widely available?

    Or, did you have a specific procedure in mind and searched 8168 for omnidirectional procedures to answer a question about that procedure?

    Omnidirectional procedures appear to be put in place in a situation where there are no navigation aids available for designing a departure. Can you post a link to a specific procedure?

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  2. Mark Kolber on May 06, 2015

    Kris, I’m not sure what the point of you first sentence is. The first hit in Google when searching for icao doc 8168 is… And one might find the chapter on them while simply scanning the first few pages of the table of contents, especially if one is from outside the US.

    They are simply departure procedures in which there is no navaid guidance. The term is not in currently in use in the US, but the common pure vector SID, such as the current DENVER 8 ( is an example of a published omnidirectional departure, as is a clearance that begins the route of flight with “turn heading…radar vectors to..”.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on May 06, 2015

    In reference to the first sentence, prior to reading the question, I had never heard of ICAO Doc 8186 and have never had a reason to Google it. When I started searching for the document, I first went to the ICAO website (to me a logical first step). After not finding it there, I resorted to the fallback position, search Google. I found the same document you likely did. It did not appear on the ICAO website, but on a Danish website. The cover page shows that it was last updated in 2006. I don’t believe it to be the current version. When I say that the ICAO documents are not widely available, I’m referring to the official documents on the ICAO website. They don’t give them away. If you believe they are widely available, try to download the current version of Annex 2 from the ICAO website.

    I didn’t understand what would lead anyone to have the document in the first place.

    In the online document it states the following:
    On page 1-3-1-2

    “Where no suitable navigation aid is available, the criteria for omnidirectional departures are applied.”

    On page 1-3-3-1
    “In cases where no track guidance is provided, departure procedures are designed using the omnidirectional method.”

    I would say that the Denver Eight SID provides track guidance in the form of radar vectors. I would say that the omnidirectional departure described in the ICAO document is a closer match to our ODP (Obstacle Departure Procedure).

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  4. John D Collins on May 06, 2015

    i think the omnidirectional departure in ICAO is the equivalent of a diverse vector area in US TERPS. It is essentially a climb to 400 feet and clearance of obstacles on a 40 to 1 slope from there in all directions. If the sloped area is clear of obstacle penetrations, then vectors may be issued during the departure climb in any direction by ATC even though the aircraft is below the MVA

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  5. Kris Kortokrax on May 07, 2015

    Thanks John, I was hoping the TERPS guru would weigh in.

    I did find language in 8900.1 and AC 120-105A stating that foreign instrument procedures are designed in accordance with TERPS or PAN-OPS 8186.

    It seems that 8186 is equivalent in nature to TERPS.

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