Flight Instructor concerns
Asked by: healthkicks 5618 views Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hi. I'm currently a student pilot. I've had some bad luck trying to get certified. Quick background ... I was training with one local school, was up to about 20 hours, never got to solo. Went through about 5 different instructors (due to staff availability), and two different planes - Piper and 'Cheetah' over about 5 months. Then, the school closed. Every CFI there had a different method of pattern-work (kept me a little frustrated due to lack of consistency, some of their techniqes were pretty major differences - hard for me to learn one method) Now, after a 6 month delay, I have found a new instructor with a C-172. I have about 17 hours with him and still not able to solo (so total around 36 hours). My landing are still not consistently 'solid'. The issue I'm 'feeling' is that he will not take his hands off the controls - I mean he is still partially-controlling TOs and landings. I can't get a feel for the final corrections I need to be making. I have spoken to him about this, and he stated he knows he does this sometimes. Everytime the plane 'bumps', he grabs the controls. I've noted I feel I am 'fighting' him for PIC at times. Is this normal? How do other CFI's allow their students to gain confidence on landings, in preparation for solo-flight, etc? This CFI is older with many years experience. Thanks very much
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