To all MEI’s
Asked by: Loral 3753 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
Having a ATP license and being a former CFI, CFII, MEI, I feel the need to ask this question: with the number of light twins going down lately, are the current regs sufficient (i.e.: initial training both multi and IFR, BFR and IFR currency) or are we putting out a less-than-ideal pilot and instructor? I can only speak for myself but when I did BFR's and ICC's, my rides were as tough, if not tougher, than the original checkride. Mechanical problems and IMC seem to always be the main root of the crash but when a MEI loses his plane and kills 4, I begin to wonder what's going on. Same thing when a pilot turns the wrong way for the missed approach and crashes in IMC. Sounds like currency and training are the evils lurking here. Interested in your opinions.
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