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3 Answers

Dangerous Flare ?

Asked by: 3909 views
Student Pilot

Hello I am a student pilot with 35 hours. I have a tendency to flare too high. Any good advice to prevent from it? all the best, ben

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3 Answers

  1. Heather McNevin on Apr 13, 2015

    This is a common student mistake. As a CFI, I would first make sure your seat was adequately adjusted and that you could see over the instrument panel properly. Some people need to sit on a cushion. Second, I would ask you where you are looking when you flare? If you are looking at the runway right in front of you, that often leads to high flares. Adjust your sight a bit further down the runway. Next, I’d suggest to change your goals. Many people have sort of a checklist view on pattern work, finishing with power off when in gliding distance and flare over the runway. Make it your goal to fly the airplane right down close to the runway and hold it off for as long as you can after that. This will make you fly right into ground effect, and hold in ground effect while your speed bleeds off. As you hold it off, slowly bring the stick back as the airplane settles. Have your CFI do a landing while you concentrate on feeling and looking instead of doing.
    Also, try to relax and breathe normally. Some students hold their breath until they land, sometimes rushing the landing. Just relax and fly the plane right down to just above the runway and hold. Your instructor wont let you do anything unsafe, so just relax and learn.

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  2. camalot on Apr 20, 2015

    sounds like your eyes are not transitioning from the touch down point to the “horizon” or end of the runway, remember the goal is to fly it level with the runway as slowly and safely as you can as the airspeed washes off and the nose rises to the touch down attitude, with a very low descent rate master this and all of your landings will be smooooth.

    PS: a good landing always starts with a nice approach

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  3. Earl Kessler on Apr 21, 2015

    I frequently find when the student only looks forward while landing, they loose site of the runway and the results are hard landings. Most planes have a “dive down” window as part of the front windshield that is lower than the instrument panel and allows you to look out of the sides and judge height above the runway. Also using these side views help you stay aligned with the runway. In other words, use your peripheral vision to get the plane low enough to round-out and flare at the correct altitude.

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