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3 Answers

Damaged logbook

Asked by: 5720 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation

Hello all, My question is about what to do since I recently found my logbook to be destroyed and I don't have my records for before I went to college. I am trying to figure out how many hours and landings to place in the carry over section since the only proof of flight before college is my SEL licenses.   Thanks

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3 Answers

  1. jeff on Mar 31, 2015


    You have a couple options. Which one you choose will depend some what on how long its been since your last FAA application, your memory, and whether or not you can obtain any rental records. 1. You can put in your best estimates which you are willing to attest to, 2. Get the numbers off your last FAA application and then make the necessary estimates since then and use those numbers, 3. If you have been renting an aircraft, the flight school or rental company will probably have a tecord of all your rental hours. If you ever plan on a professional pilot career then i would strongly suggest trying to get the rental records, as the better you are able to document the hours, the more likely the airline/charter/etc will accept the totals (obviously, if you are way above the minimum number of hours required for whatever your pursuing, then the less important it will be. You are only required to log those hours which you use for obtaining additional ratings/certificates.


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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 31, 2015

    Order 8900.1 contains the following language:

    “5-321 LOST LOGBOOKS OR FLIGHT RECORDS. Aeronautical experience requirements must be shown for a person to be eligible for the issuance or to exercise the privileges of a pilot certificate. A pilot who has lost logbooks or flight time records should be reminded that any fraudulent or intentional false statements concerning aeronautical experience are a basis for suspension or revocation of any certificate or rating held. The pilot who has this problem may, at the discretion of the ASI accepting the application for a pilot certificate or rating, use a signed and notarized statement of previous flight time as the basis for starting a new flight time record. Such a statement should be substantiated by all available evidence, such as aircraft logbooks, receipts for aircraft rentals, FAA Form 8710-1 showing hours in section III, and statements of flight operators as specified in Volume 5, Chapter 1, Section 8. Please note, as long as section III (Record of Pilot time) of the airman’s last FAA Form 8710-1 was completed and verified by the ASI, these hours may be used for establishing previous logbook hours.”

    A best guess by itself does not appear to be sufficient. You will need to back up your estimate with the evidence cited.

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  3. Mark Kolber on Apr 01, 2015

    I agree with Kris. The primary purpose of logging flight time is to, as the FAA Chief Counsel’s office recently put it, “to qualify for or maintain an airman certificate or rating.” I doubt the FAA would accept “I =think= I have 1500 hours” as sufficient to qualify for the ATP.

    If your purpose is to show experience to a potential employer or insurer and the reciptien is willing to accept an estimate due to lost record, that’s between you and them. But I would not include that time in my “official” logbook totals.

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