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5 Answers

CFI time in make and model

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Flight Instructor, General Aviation

Can a CFI with no time in make and model of my aircraft give me a flight review in that make and model aircraft? I know they must have category and class but I can't find a regulation that states anything about make and model. Multi requires 5 hours I think, but all I can find on the topic is AC 61-98 which isn't regulatory and says this: "For aircraft in which the CFI is not current or with which he or she is not familiar, he or she must obtain recent flight experience or sufficient knowledge of aircraft limitations, characteristics, and performance before conducting the review. In any case, the CFI must observe the rating limitations of § 61.195(b)." Thanks!

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5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 24, 2015

    It depends. How much experience does the instructor have? Does he have experience in a similar make/model?

    If he has time in a Cessna 150, but none in a 152, probably not a problem.
    If he only has time in a Cessna 172/172RG and your airplane is a Bonanza, probably a problem.

    61.195(f) requires 5 hours in make/model for a multiengine airplane, helicopter or powered lift to give dual towards a certificate or rating. No requirement for previous time to give a flight review.

    This does not mean it’s a good idea. If you have a plane outside the Cherokee/Warrior, 172 type airplanes, the instructor is probably licking his chops trying to get time in another plane.

    If you have a high time (experienced) instructor, he can probably review the manual for your plane and give you an effective flight review. If you have a low time guy who just got his certificate, I’d pass.

    A lot depends on your aircraft. If it is something like a Cirrus or Malibu or something like that, find a guy who knows the plane.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Mar 25, 2015

    Do the regs require a CFI to have make/model time to give a flight review? No.

    Whether it is a good idea or not – and how much experience to have – is up to the CFI. how comfortable woul you be answering the post-accident question, “what made you think it was ok to give instruction in an airplane you never flew yourself?”.

    That was not intended to be a loaded rhetorical question. There may be a good answer as Kris’ example illustrates. A lot depends on the airplane and the CFI’s experience.

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  3. Earl Kessler on Apr 04, 2015

    I believe you will find although the FAA finds it legal, the real question is will the insurance company underwriter allow it. I make it a policy that if I instruct in someone’s airplane, I need to be named as additional insured. All that is required is 5 minutes to fill out the insurance company’s questionnaire and usually approval the same day. Most of the time it is free.If the insurance carrier approves it, you can rest assured the FAA will be satisfied.

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  4. Kris Kortokrax on Apr 04, 2015

    Just curious. What extra protection do you get by being named as additional insured, that you would not receive by meeting the open pilot warranty for the policy?

    The FAA will not care about the insurance carrier’s approval. They will only be concerned if you do not meet the requirements of 61.195(f). (5 hours of PIC in make and model)

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  5. James Presler on Apr 07, 2015

    As long as the category and class are the same “an aircraft in which the CFI is rated in” I don’t think you CAN’T do it. The reg you’re thinking of has to do with gaining a certificate.

    61.195 (f) Training received in a multiengine airplane, a helicopter, or a powered-lift. A flight instructor may not give training required for the issuance of a certificate or rating in a multiengine airplane, a helicopter, or a powered-lift unless that flight instructor has at least 5 flight hours of pilot-in-command time in the specific make and model of multiengine airplane, helicopter, or powered-lift, as appropriate.

    I think of it like this: if you needed a flight review and you couldn’t be the PIC, could the CFI? If no, the CFI can’t conduct the flight review.

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