Assigned lower-than-published altitude for full IAP
Asked by: Drew 4572 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
I was doing a full RNAV approach and was instructed to fly direct to the IAF and maintain an altitude lower than the published HILO-PT altitude. The controller initially thought we were doing a vectored approach, which is why I think she gave us a lower than published altitude. I know that the pilot should maintain the assigned altitude until established on a published segment, so I was confused as to what I should do. Looking back, I should have simply verified if she wanted me at the assigned altitude for the full approach. We ended up simply maintaining our lower altitude (400' below published) and then started flying the published altitudes after we were established. My instructor wasn't too sure what the legally correct thing to do was, but we figured during debrief that it was the second best thing we could have done (first being to ask ATC) since the instructed altitude was above MSA and it would have been better than getting a pilot deviation. 1) Was ATC mistaken to give us the wrong altitude? Or did she purposely get us on an altitude to maintain until established on the published approach IAW the regs? Keep in mind that she did not say "maintain [ALT] until established" or "cross [fix] at [ALT]"; she simply instructed us to maintain a certain altitude. I assume that she made a mistake since I remember a controller instructing us to climb to maintain at or above the published entry altitude when I was doing a full RNAV a couple days ago.
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