Simulated Instrument/Safety Pilot Logging Time Question
Asked by: Sherwyn A 5454 views Instrument Rating
My scenario is as follows, three pilots go up on a flight, the pilot A in the left seat is under the hood, the pilot B in the right seat is the safety pilot acting as PIC while pilot A is under the hood and pilot C is sitting in the back seat supposedly a second safety pilot. Referring Reg CFR 14 Part 91.109 (4) (C) (1) & (2) excerpt below:
(1) The other control seat is occupied by a safety pilot who possesses at least a private pilot certificate with category and class ratings appropriate to the aircraft being flown.
(2) The safety pilot has adequate vision forward and to each side of the aircraft, or a competent observer in the aircraft adequately supplements the vision of the safety pilot; and......
Can the competent observer in this case Pilot C log PIC time while Pilot A is under the hood? After all Pilot C could is looking for traffic on the left side of the aircraft with Pilot B looking for traffic in front and to the right of the aircraft. Doesn't seem so but I thought I would ask.
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