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FAA ramp check

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FAA Regulations

I had my first ramp check the other day. I was glad I had my documents in order and felt like everything was good. Then the agent asked why the compass deviation card was blank. I wasn't sure, maybe it was new? It didn't look new... He asked how I knew it was accurate and airworthy. I explained that it was full of fluid, moved freely, and lined up with the runway headings and GPS data... He didn't think that was good enough and said that the lack of an accurate compass deviation card made the aircraft not airworthy... I disagreed and asked him where I would find the regulation that a compass deviation card is required equipment for day VFR flights. He said he didn't know if it was required, so he wrote me up and told me they would investigate it.


Has anyone had a ramp check like this? I'd like to know what other things I should be more cautious about.

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3 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Mar 15, 2015

    Read 91.205 (b)

    (b)Visual-flight rules (day). For VFR flight during the day, the following instruments and equipment are required:
    (1) Airspeed indicator.
    (2) Altimeter.
    (3) Magnetic direction indicator.

    Getting your compass card filled out and attached should not be a big deal, I would suggest you take care of it.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 15, 2015

    It is 23.1547 that requires the deviation card. It reads”

    § 23.1547 Magnetic direction indicator.
    (a) A placard meeting the requirements of this section must be installed on or near the magnetic direction indicator.
    (b) The placard must show the calibration of the instrument in level flight with the engines operating.
    (c) The placard must state whether the calibration was made with radio receivers on or off.
    (d) Each calibration reading must be in terms of magnetic headings in not more than 30 degree increments.
    (e) If a magnetic nonstabilized direction indicator can have a deviation of more than 10 degrees caused by the operation of electrical equipment, the placard must state which electrical loads, or combination of loads, would cause a deviation of more than 10 degrees when turned on.

    The reg that requires it for older aircraft is CAR 3.748.

    An inspector who is alleging a violation should be able to provide you with the pertinent regulation.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 16, 2015

    Make that CAR 3.758 for older aircraft.

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