Loud engine noise and no squelch
Asked by: Jason 9360 views Aircraft Systems, Light Sport Aircraft
I started flying in a Cessna C-162 Skycatcher LSA that doesn't have a volume knob or squelch control on the intercom. The engine noise bleeds through the headsets. My instructor started turning the intercom off when he isn't speaking. That helps a great deal, but when I make radio calls they are garbled with engine noise.
I'm using a LightSpeed QFR. If we use ANR headsets we don't have this problem. I adjusted the gain on my QFR headset per Lightspeed's recommendation and I'm still having the problem. I'm going to order the Zulu. I'll need to get a headset that I can give to my passengers when they ride with me. Will I have to order another ANR headset or is there another solution here? Also, the FBO doesn't plan on upgrading the intercom.
Thanks for any help on this issue,
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