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ADF Required – Is it? REALLY??

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Hello - Take a look at the Mesquite (HQZ) ILS 17 It clearly states: "ADF required" Question: (Assuming my ADF is INOP) Q) If i get radar vectors to the final approach course for the ILS 17 (Not the LOC) - Can I do this approach legally WITHOUT an ADF or does the mere fact that "ADF required" is stated on the plate take away this option for me? - I see that it would be impossible to do the full ILS procedure as the IAF is the NDB - So can't do that. - I see that without ADF I would be unable to define the FAF for the LOC approach - So also can't do that. - But I dont need the NDB for a radar vector to final - My FAP is the point at which I intercept the glideslope at 1539ft...I don't need the NDB to tell me that. SO...Let's say I'm on a checkride, would it be wise to say - 'hey, let's go do the ILS17, we'll get vectors to final so I won't need an ADF'...or does "ADF required" kill the party? Any links to regs or reference in the Inst.Flying.Handbook would be great. Thanks. ----- Addendum: As a seconday gripe...procedure turn "barbs"...Does anybody else find the FAA wording describing the direction of the turn to be made a little less than crystal clear? Example....look at the same above approach. We are flying the full procedure so: 1) Fly to NDB (Let's say from the south to make it easy) 2) Hit the NDB, fly out bound 355 course for 2 mins 3) Turn right 040 for one minute 4) Turn LEFT to 220, back inbound for 1 minute 5) Intercept final approach course of 175 and complete rest of approach. Ok, very nice - my gripe is with the wording - "Procedure turn shall be made in the direction of the barb"....but to me...looking at the barb at the end of the procedure turn....the barb is on the RIGHT hand side or at least that's how i interpret it visually. Jepps have it right with a nice continued curve barb that leave it unambiguous - you KNOW which way to turn....example image. I just think the FAA's wording and imagery isn't that great on this point.

5 Answers

  1. Brian McDonough on Oct 26, 2010

    You’ll need an ADF for the Missed Approach

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Oct 26, 2010

    Without an ADF how will you execute the missed approach?
    “ADF Required” prevents you from using the approach if you don’t have an ADF or an equivalent. I’ve seen people argue that if they make arrangements for, in this case, a different missed approach procedure they’re good to go, but I’m not buying it, and I wouldn’t argue the point on a checkride. It’ll only really matter to the FAA if you kill yourself on the approach, so the discussion on whether you were legal won’t have your input.
    I can’t say I’ve ever thought about the wording that much – I’ve always read barb to be “one-sided arrow” – so I’ve always assumed the wording meant the first turn off the outbound from the IAF.
    Since the FAA only cares that you remain within the prescribed distance and on the correct side of the final approach course, you could “reach the barb” and turn right, so I’m not even sure I understand your basic problem, the FAA doesn’t care which way you turn to get back inbound.

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  3. Pete Kemble on Oct 26, 2010

    You can fly the approach without an ADF as long as you have an IFR certified GPS receiver installed. the key words are IFR certified, though.


    Matthew hit the nail on the head in the first sentence though – without knowing where that ADF is, you can’t execute the missed approach, and that would be a show stopper right there.

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  4. Kent Shook on Oct 26, 2010

    You are absolutely required to have either an ADF, or an IFR certified GPS to be used in lieu of the ADF (AIM 1-1-19e, table 1-1-6). The reference for needing an ADF is the plate itself – It says pretty clearly, “ADF Required.” If it was OK to get vectors instead, the plate would say “ADF or RADAR Required.” Another reference is AIM 5-4-5a.3.(b).

    If you don’t have an ADF or GPS, what happens if you get vectors to final, lose comm, and have to go missed? Or, you lose your glideslope – You can’t identify the FAF even if you still have comm, and ATC can’t identify it for you because it doesn’t say “RADAR” next to the fix (see AIM 5-4-7g)?

    As for the procedure turn, I think the reason the FAA/NACO charts don’t depict the full procedure turn is that the “normal” 45-180-45 procedure turn is only one possible option. You could also do a holding pattern, an 80-260 or 90-270 turn, etc. The barb simply tells you what side of the course you should execute your chosen turn on. See the “Course Reversal” part of Chapter 5: Approaches in the Instrument Procedures Handbook starting on page 5-38 (http://www.faa.gov/library/manuals/aviation/instrument_procedures_handbook/) or AIM 5-4-9.

    Great question!

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  5. Ben on Oct 26, 2010

    1) Can’t identify the published hold
    2) Can’t identify the LOC FAF in the event of a glideslope failure
    3) The charts does NOT say “or RADAR”
    4) Arguments to the contrary i.e: “Yeah but i’ll get vectors to final and we’ll get different missed instructions anyway” are irrelevant.
    Thanks, excellent help, links and website!

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